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The composition of GlamUpper brow gel..

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GlamUpperi kulmugeeli koostis loob harmoonilise segu niisutavatest, hooldavatest ja kasvu soodustavatest koostisainetest, tagades kulmude esteetilise välimuse ja toetades ka kulmukarvade tervist.

Vaata kulmugeeli SIIN

Ingredients: often reading the text on the packaging of cosmetic products takes your eyes off the page, so I’ll describe a bit more. All the ingredients are widely used in skin care products.

  1. Steriinhape (Stearic Acid): Steriinhape on looduslik rasvhape, mis lisab tekstuurile stabiilsust ja paksust. It helps to keep the consistency of the eyebrow gel even and makes application easy and pleasant.
  2. Lauric Acid: Lauric Acid is an antimicrobial compound that helps to maintain the cleanliness of eyebrow gel by preventing microbial growth. This property also helps to protect the skin and eyebrows from possible infections.
  3. Stearyl Alcohol: Stearyl alcohol is a soft-textured alcohol that adds smoothness and helps the product spread evenly. See annab kulmudele loomuliku välimuse.
  4. Sucrose: Sucrose, or sugar, is a humectant that retains moisture and helps the brow gel last longer. Lisaks annab see tootele meeldiva tekstuuri.
  5. Tocopherol: This is vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant. Tocopherol helps to moisturise the skin and brows, protecting them from free radical damage and promoting a healthy appearance.
  6. Propylene Glycol: Propylene Glycol is a moisturising agent that helps to maintain skin moisture levels. It softens the brow gel and helps keep the skin moisturised.
  7. Sorbitol: Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that moisturises the skin and brows, helping to keep them soft and smooth. It also helps the product to blend well with the skin.
  8. Ingverijuure ekstrakt (Zingiber Officinale Root Extract): Ingverijuure ekstrakt omab rahustavaid omadusi. In addition, it can stimulate hair follicles, promoting the growth and strengthening of eyebrow hairs.
  9. Vesi (Aqua): Vesi on looduslik niisutaja, mis aitab hoida kulmud elastsetena ja toetatuna. See aitab ka teiste koostisainete imendumist nahka.
  10. Jojoba oil (Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil): Jojoba oil has a light texture and is similar to human skin oils. It moisturises the brows, softens them and can help prevent eyebrow breakage.
  11. Magnesium Sulphate: Magnesium Sulphate helps regulate moisture levels and may improve circulation, supporting healthy eyebrow hair growth.
  12. Glütseriin (Glycerin): Glütseriin on niisutav aine, mis säilitab niiskust, muutes kulmud pehmemaks ja säravamaks. See aitab vältida kuivust ja lõhenemist.

Vaata kulmugeeli SIIN

Koostisosa staarid: GlamUpper kulmugeeli vaieldamatud kolm staar koostisosa on kindlasti E-vitamiin, jojoba õli ja ingveri juure ekstrakt.

  1. Vitamin E (Tocopherol):
    • Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin E is known for its ability to neutralise free radicals, helping to protect the eyebrows and surrounding skin from the damaging effects of the environment. It can prevent the signs of ageing and maintain healthy-looking eyebrows.
    • Moisturising Effect: Vitamin E helps to retain skin moisture, which in turn softens brows and reduces dryness and cracking.
  2. Jojoob Oil:
    • Moisturising and Strengthening: Jojoba oil has a light texture and resembles human skin oils. It penetrates deep into the hair follicles, moisturising the eyebrows and skin. The oil helps to strengthen hairs, reducing breakage and damage.
    • Calming Effect: Jojoba oil has soothing properties that help to soothe irritation and redness, ensuring comfortable brow care.
  3. Ginger Root Extract:
    • Stimulating for Growth: ginger root extract can stimulate blood circulation and hair follicles, promoting eyebrow hair growth. This feature helps to achieve firmer and fuller brows.
    • Soothing and Nourishing: Ginger root contains antioxidants and bioactive compounds that can soothe the skin and give brows a natural glow. The soothing properties of ginger can also help reduce inflammation and irritation.

Tasub teada: Teades koostisosade loetelu, selgub, et see kulmugeel on loodud peamiselt looduslikest ja niisutavatest koostisosadest. Siiski, nagu iga kosmeetikatoote puhul, võib mõnel inimesel tekkida allergiline reaktsioon või ärritus konkreetsete koostisosade suhtes. It is therefore always advisable to test a small amount of the product on the skin before using a new product on a regular basis to rule out possible allergic reactions. If a skin reaction such as redness, itching or irritation occurs, it is recommended to discontinue use of the product and consult a dermatologist if necessary.

Vaata kulmugeeli SIIN

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