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What to do if you discover your relationship with food is on a slippery slope?

I don’t think it’s right to share nutritional advice when I’m not qualified to do so, but I will share my experience and what I would tell to a younger version of myself…

Most importantly, don’t forget that someone else’s opinion doesn’t matter and your loved ones love you no matter what your measurements or weight!

The next step is to take a rational approach and understand what is causing the dissatisfaction. Perhaps you are looking for validation or have some other concern to compensate. Food should be seen as fuel for your body.

However, if you do decide to aim for a weight loss goal, it’s definitely worth educating yourself before you start any diet or exercise. Learn how metabolism works, how food is broken down at the molecular level, how to count calories and how to exercise properly.

If you feel you’re struggling with your diet, make sure you ask a specialist for help. Wrong or bad advice can make things worse.

For more information on what to know and where to go, click here.

What do I do when I feel unhappy with my shape…?

Firstly, I make sure that my expectations are realistic and within the bounds of what is healthy.

Diet and exercise are closely linked to our metabolism. Specifically, calorie burning is related to the body’s energy balance, where calories consumed should match calories expended in order to maintain weight.

I attach here a link to nutrition.ee. You can find a lot of information on healthy eating and also a recommended food pyramid, but I would point out that it is for the average person. For example, I consume more meat and less dairy than the pyramid recommends, but I’m also a young, physically active person and go to the gym.

I always start by counting calories, maybe I’m really overeating or not eating enough. Find out what the recommended daily calorie intake is for your age, sex and height, and learn how many kcal are in a gram of butter, an egg, a slice of bread, etc… There are kcal calculators online. Be sure not to start a low-calorie diet before consulting a specialist, it is easy to make things worse.

Next, check that proteins, carbohydrates and fats are in balance.
Proteins are essential building blocks of muscle mass, while carbohydrates and fats provide the energy you need. Calories are the body’s fuel, but body weight may not always change as a result of exercise, as an increase in muscle mass can offset weight loss.
When you exercise, muscle growth depends on the amount of food you consume, so if you don’t have enough protein, your muscle won’t grow. Carbohydrates play an important role in building muscle by providing quick energy for exercise and aiding recovery, but overconsumption of carbohydrates is the most common cause of weight gain.

The body needs carbohydrates, but not as much as the average person consumes. Sugar is the first thing to give up. I feel that not enough is being said about the bad health effects of sugar.

Don’t starve! When starving, the body can go into energy-saving mode, reducing metabolism and storing fat. After a period of starvation, the body can accumulate more fat if normal eating is continued. If you are aiming to lose weight quickly, please read up on the correct way to do fasting, and remember that what goes in comes back just as easily. Aside from the side effects of starving yourself, you also lose hair, break your nails and because your blood sugar is low all the time, you’re slow and look like you’re dead. Smooth and steady gets you further and faster.

Don’t go to extremes! Special diets, such as keto, can be dangerous if they don’t provide the necessary nutrients. To do this, you need to understand very precisely at a molecular level how these diets work. Keep in mind that all bodies and metabolisms are different, and keto, for example, may not be for everyone. Another very interesting diet is the blood type diet, and when I did the food intolerance test, it was in line with my blood type diet, so I had an intolerance to the foods that were not recommended for my blood type, and indeed I noticed that eating those foods also caused acne.

Once you’ve reviewed your diet, take a look at your exercise.

We only have one life and one body, there is plenty of money in the world, but no one can give us a new body. Somewhere it said that if you don’t exercise, you should take at least 10 000 steps a day.
When choosing between different workouts, start with what you like to do best. Exercise and movement should become a habit, and if the mere thought of going to the gym is stressful, then you should start with small steps to create habits in your daily life to move more.

Doing sport without realising it can also lead to unexpected results. For example, people often choose cardio exercise to lose weight, but surprise surprise, intense cardio often results in the body storing fat instead. The most effective exercise for burning calories is when you combine weight training and aerobic exercise. My girlfriends are often afraid that weight training will make their muscles too big. Do two squats and you’re a Kardashian or two bicep curls and you’re the Hulk. The myth is that building muscle requires a lot of hard work and that you need to consume a lot of protein and calories. Unless you’re a former athlete with muscle memory, you can take it very easy.

However, it is best to consult a nutritionist or trainer.

What to do when food becomes an emotion?

Don’t be afraid to talk about your concerns and ask for help.

Eat a full stomach first and only then decide to skip dessert. If we set ourselves limits, for example if we try to stop eating sweets suddenly, especially if we start cutting down on salty foods at the same time, we can often end up eating more sweets out of greed, and then we feel guilty because people still want what they can’t have. In addition, sugar is an addictive substance and its consumption needs to be controlled.

Make informed choices. The whole spiral of restriction, gambling and guilt can deepen over time and become a big problem. Of course, this kind of vortex can also occur with normal food, not just sweet foods. If the goal is to lose weight or achieve some other ideal result in order to improve one’s state of mind without rational thought, then eating disorders are easy to come by.

I already know what it tastes like, I don’t need to try it. Not eating a piece of cake takes character, especially when others are eating next to you. It’s easier to eat it and then torture yourself. Exercise can also help curb cravings. If you still feel that this piece of cake will cheer you up, don’t torture yourself. Avoid a situation where the food starts to create a craving and be confident in your decision. Rather, eat that piece and enjoy life, because it’s much harder to fix a bad relationship with food than it is to start improving your eating habits a little later.

Snacking as a way to borrow happiness at the expense of health. Stress is the root of all evil. After a long day at work, your body and mind are tired, you don’t want to do anything, and you just want to sit on the sofa in front of the TV and compensate for the empty and exhausted feeling with something tasty. Something to pass the time. A tired body naturally asks for carbohydrates to cope with exhaustion, and the longer you spend your evenings like this, the harder it is to break the habit. It would be foolish to say go for a walk or go to the gym and change something in your life so you’re not in that situation. It’s not that simple..

Why do former anorexics often become committed bodybuilders? Jokingly, it’s like replacing an unhealthy disease with a slightly healthier disease, but it’s a very positive change of attitude. It also requires a lot of work to change your attitude and reshape your ideal of beauty. Too many people have a negative attitude towards athletic appearance, but for the former anorexic, that muscle mass doesn’t really come that easily. Transitioning into a dedicated bodybuilder can be due to a number of factors, but it should be noted that this is not a universal rule and people experience different journeys in their recovery. However, some general reasons may explain why some former anorexics choose the path towards bodybuilding. Sufferers of eating disorders may experience a strong desire to control their bodies and their lives. A structured lifestyle can be helpful for those who have struggled with eating disorders, as it can provide control and discipline. A former anorexic may be looking for a new purpose in life after recovery. Bodybuilding can provide a clear sense of purpose and channel energy in a positive way, helping them to focus on health and a strong body. Gradual increases in muscle mass can help restore health and normalise weight. Overall, sport allows people to build a stronger connection with their bodies. It can be an important part of the recovery process, helping you to feel more comfortable and positive about your body.

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